While creating the education programs that all students in Tüyçep need, the principle that each student is unique and special is acted upon. It is known that these programs are beneficial for gifted children as well as bright or normal level children.
The enriched programs created encourage students to make detailed studies and researches based on the learning by experience model related to the units and topics covered. Lessons and homework, which are called unnecessary and meaningless for children, are replaced by activities that are done lovingly and willingly.
Tüyçep programs are student-centered.
With Tüyçep programs, our children's attention, focus, intelligence and learning skills develop.
We structured Tüyçep programs with games and activities according to the individual characteristics of the students, based on the intelligence, attention and learning skills processes of 5 -12 year old students, and the MEB curriculum within the specially designed workshops.

Thinking and Intelligence Development Program
The age groups of students participating in the program are between the ages of 5 and 12. The practices of the courses covering the thinking and intelligence development program are prepared in the form of 1-year programs based on the National Education Curriculum by experts in the field, taking into account the differences in student age and intelligence.
Attention Deficit Program
As TÜYÇEP, we unite in this field by bringing families, educators and treatment team together to identify these disorders early, to provide and disseminate appropriate treatment and training opportunities, to work towards finding suitable common solutions to the problems encountered, to pioneer and support the studies to be done in this field. aimed to create.
Talent Support Program
Discovering and developing talents by training is a very difficult and serious task. Studies related to the discovery and development of children's abilities should not be short-term and situational, but should be studies spread over the process in accordance with the principle of "continuity".